José Aguilar

Project Office Coordinator IFMIF-DONES, Consortium IFMIF-DONES Spain

Santiago Berrecil

Test Systems Coordinator of the Consortium IFMIF-DONES Spain

Ivančica Bogdanović Radović

President of the Scientific Council Permanent scientific advisor Institut Ruđer Bošković

Philippe Cara

Fusion for Energy (F4E) DONES Coordinator and former IFMIF EVEDA project Leader

Mª José Caturla

Head of Applied Physics Department, University of Alicant


Steven Cowley

Director of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Gianfranco Federici

EUROfusion Programme Manager

Andreja Gajović

Ruđer Bošković Institute | RBI · Division of Materials Physics PhD, Senior scientist

Angel Ibarra

Director of the Consortium IFMIF-DONES Spain

Juan Ramón Knaster

EUDA Representative for ITER

Gerald Pintsuk

Project Leader of the EUROfusion Materials Programme

Jorge Maestre

Lithium Systems Coordinator, Mechanical Project Engineer, Consortium IFMIF-DONES Spain

Andrea Napolitano

Policy and project officer, European Commission, RTD C4, EURATOM Research, Fusion|Brussels, Belgium. EUROfusion projects, ITER and DEMO analysis

Iván Podadera

Accelerator Systems Coordinator of the Consortium IFMIF-DONES Spain

Marcelo Roldán

Researcher in nuclear fusion materials, CIEMAT

Michael Rieth

Group Leader at KIT, former Project Leader of the EUROfusion Materials Programme

Tonci Tadic

Researcher and leader in nuclear and fusion-related physics at Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia

Claudio Torregrosa

Safety engineer, responsible for the MuVacAs prototype, Consortium IFMIF-DONES Spain

Maurizio Vretenar

Project Leader, High Technology and Science, CERN

Rafael Vila

Group leader of the EUROfusion WPMAT-FM

Amaia Villa

Researcher and leader of the line of specialization mechatronic systems for scientific and applied instrumentation in TEKNIKER

John Womersley

Special Advisor at the University of Edinburgh, former director of the European Spallation Source (ESS), United Kingdom.